On November 2, 2014 I ran the NYC Marathon in 6 hours, 24 min and 15 seconds. Wind was very strong that day, and my knee started to hurt about 5 or 6 miles in. I never hit a stride that felt really good, it was mostly pain the entire run. But I did it, and I can cross it off the list. Will I do it again? Well I don't want to say never, but I'm not making any plans at the moment. I did thoroughly enjoy wearing my medal for the entire day when I returned to work.
I think I peaked too early with my training because I never was right after the 18 mile training run, which was my longest training run. Izzy said that I didn't even look like I had ran 18 miles by the time I crossed the finish line. But I must have pushed just a little too hard because my knee did not fully recover by the marathon.
I believe that a half marathon is the best distance for me. I have signed up for the NYC Half, plan to run the Brooklyn Half again, and I will be looking for more half marathons to sign up for next year. Maybe, I mean MAYBE after I get many many more half marathons under my belt, then I will be in the position to attempt another marathon. The difference between a half marathon and a full marathon, in terms of wear and tear on my body, the financial commitment, and the time commitment are HUGE.
My goal for next year is to improve my speed, and run close to a 2 hour half marathon. I've only attempted 2 short runs since the marathon, but after Christmas it will be time to get back into it. I needed to recharge physically and mentally. I did some bikram yoga, and did vinyasa yoga for the first time in about a year and had a very rude awakening. I am fully committing myself to a well-rounded and varied workout routine. I even went swimming with Chester the other week, and I would like to do more of that.
I am also planning to do a 3 day juice fast after Christmas, to jump start healthy habits again. I've been making juice with my Breville juicer here and there, which only sort of makes up for all of the sugar I've been eating at work. At least Izzy and I have been taking a break from drinking at the moment. I've lost track but I think it's been almost 2 months for him and a little less than that for me. All part of the plan to get really focused...
Some goals for next year that have been brewing in my head: waking up earlier and working out, taking more classes that are in the spirit of my career goals, practicing Spanish and becoming more fluent, and getting my apartment organized and de-cluttered. Stacy tuned for that list...