Just 3 months until the NY Marathon! I ran 8 miles yesterday, as prescribed by my online virtual trainer. It's been humid and hot, and running has become so much harder. Last Sunday, I ran 16 miles for NYRR long marathon training run, longest run to date. I found out that it is actually much harder to run at a slower pace, and the last 2 miles were excruciating. But I did it and I'm a better person for it. I'm starting to plan my post-marathon party.
So I quit 30 Day Abs. I will do it again. Some day. I mean, I invested $20 in that ab mat, so...
Izzy had his boxing match, it was so exciting! I had no idea that I would enjoy it that much. He lost, but he gave a good fight. And not many people actually get up there and do that, so there's that. Everyone got a trophy, and our friends from the local dive bar made him a champion belt made out of six pack holders, beer coasters, and tin foil. So much love and support! I think about 30 friends came out to to see him, plus he raised over $1000 for charity.
Which reminds me, yesterday was the NY triathalon. Some day I will do this... So little time!
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