Sunday, August 3, 2014

3 months until NY Marathon 2014 and Izzy's first boxing match

Just 3 months until the NY Marathon!  I ran 8 miles yesterday, as prescribed by my online virtual trainer.  It's been humid and hot, and running has become so much harder.  Last Sunday, I ran 16 miles for NYRR long marathon training run, longest run to date.  I found out that it is actually much harder to run at a slower pace, and the last 2 miles were excruciating.  But I did it and I'm a better person for it.  I'm starting to plan my post-marathon party.

So I quit 30 Day Abs.  I will do it again.  Some day.  I mean, I invested $20 in that ab mat, so...

Izzy had his boxing match, it was so exciting!  I had no idea that I would enjoy it that much.  He lost, but he gave a good fight.  And not many people actually get up there and do that, so there's that.  Everyone got a trophy, and our friends from the local dive bar made him a champion belt made out of six pack holders, beer coasters, and tin foil.  So much love and support!  I think about 30 friends came out to to see him, plus he raised over $1000 for charity.

And Izzy has already signed up for his next athletic challenge.  We signed up with a bunch of friends to do a Zombie Run (5k obstacle) on October 25th.  We all decided to be runners (or humans) and not zombies.  My initial thought was that a 5k would be a piece of cake, but then reality sunk in about the obstacle part...  The marathon is the following weekend.  I should probably train for this event, but this is definitely outside of my comfort zone.  Taking suggestions and advice from anyone who has trained for this type of event, particularly if you lack upper body strenghth like I do!

Which reminds me, yesterday was the NY triathalon.  Some day I will do this...  So little time!

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