Since the knee injury, I have had a couple failed attempts at running without pain. And as time was running out, I felt paralyzed with fear and anxiety, which made it hard to start again. But I did it, and the fast sprints felt good. I remember stopping for water and thinking we were almost finished until someone informed me that we were actually at the 1 mile point. Ha!
I was worried about the obstacle part, but actually there was always the option to skip it. The only obstacle that I didn't do was the rope climb up the wall. I did try it for a second but it just wasn't happening, I'm too weak.
Izzy and I bought headlamps as suggested so that we could see in the dark. Izzy's was bigger and stronger than mine, and it had a strobe mode, which we used at times to disorient the zombies. I came up with a strategy: we would jog real slow and mellow, then when we got close we would suddenly burst out in a sprint. This actually worked better than trying to fake them out. We were laughing and having so much fun. And guess what...
Izzy won his first medal! And we were survivors! So proud of him. Seriously, he can do anything.
Speaking of medals, I added mine to my collection. But soon there will be an 8th. Seriously, just 7 more days...
I ran 5 miles tonight, even though my training plan called for 7. I felt great, but that's probably because I was so liberal with the kinseology tape. But I didn't want to push it. Tomorrow will be a day off, and then I will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be carbo loading. And Saturday will definitely be a day off. I am going to foam roll every morning and every night before bed.
Speaking of tape, I have confirmed that Mummy Tape is much stickier than KT Tape, and I'm switching over. I ordered more tape, arm warmers, and knee compression sleeves. Forgot to order more gu gels. What would I ever do without Amazon Prime?
I still don't know what I will wear. I might keep changing my mind til the last minute.
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