I don't completely reject traditional medicine, but I'm not so much a fan of lots of doctors appointments and prescribed medications. And I accept the fact that my metabolism isn't the same as everyone else's and I will have to work harder. I wouldn't say that I'm perfect by any means when it comes to nutrition and diet, but I know what I'm supposed to do and I'm definitely better than most. I would say that I try to live by the 80/20 rule: be as good as you can 80% of the time and live a little the other 20% of the time. Living by extremes doesnt work for me.
I've done some reading since my appointment, and in hindsight, I have noticed the following symptoms increasing unexplainable in the last few months:
-sore muscles and longer recovery times (even Plantar Fasciitus can be connected with hypothyroid, which started bothering me about 2 years ago)
-foggy brain
-trouble concentrating
-gradual weight gain (over the course of 1-2 years) despite a regular exercise routine and generally healthy lifestyle with no major changes
My doctor prescribed me a low dosage of generic Synthroid, which is synthetic hormone replacement. In 2 months I will take another blood test so that she can see how my levels are at that point and adjust my medication if necessary. I didn't think to ask for a copy of my latest blood test, but I plan on getting one. The generic Synthroid made me feel space and medicated, and I read that some people do not react well with the generic versions and that the dosages are not controlled well. She switched me to brand name Synthroid and I could feel the difference immediately... meaning, I don't feel anything which is a good thing.
So between the fatique and the generic medication that I thought I would get used to but wiped me out, I am way off my exercise routine. I ran 3 miles on Saturday and I could really feel it. Gonna focus on getting in some exercise most days at this point and just get a habit going again. Just gotta get out of this funk. Oh yeah, and my birthday is in 3 days, can I just skip it this year?
Registration just opened for the NYC Half Marathon on March 16, 2014. I have guaranteed entry because I was a volunteer last year, but I'm going to hold off registering for a bit because the discounted price for New York Road Runners is $117! (I hope everyone appreciates the financial commitment that it takes to compete in these events, in addition to the physical commitment!). I was perusing Hal Higdon training programs and am planning on a 12 week training program, which means I need to start training mid-December. Hopefully this will keep me on track and give me some structure.
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