Monday, August 12, 2013

Countdown to 40: Saturday, October 24, 2015

In 802 days I will turn 40.  This realization hit me this weekend as my mind was wondering during a long run.  I recently got engaged (to my best friend, YAY!) and the tentative time frame for the wedding as of now is September 2015.  NYC summer is too hot, September is beautiful.  October is always jammed packed socially because everyone I know seems to have an October birthday, including me, my fiancé (Izzy), and my mom.  Then there's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years.  It goes by very quickly.

This got me thinking about resolutions and goals.  I keep saying to Izzy how happy I am that we were able to accomplish so many goals in the first half of this year:
  • I started a new job this year.  It started out very rocky, but then I was thrown into a sink or swim situation and I rocked it.
  • I saw my original textile designs on my new favorite show Orange is the New Black.  On episode 6 Spanish mom's boyfriend visits her in jail wearing a flocked shirt that I designed for Jhane Barnes.  Earlier this year I also saw a print that I designed in the movie "Lay the Favorite".
  • I got my motorcycle license.
  • We got a Vespa!  Meet the family: That's Rocco (Vespa GT 300 Super) on the right with Luna (Kymco People 50cc) on the left.
  • Izzy started bartending again on Thursday nights (He does it mostly for fun, and it makes him really happy when he does it just once a week).  To say that he is an extrovert and high-energy is actually an understatement.  He waited on Jimmy Fallon for the 2nd time, and Jimmy gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  • We got engaged and picked out a custom ring that we love and reflects both of our style.
  • Finally getting renter's insurance.
  • We hired a house cleaner.  Izzy fired the last house cleaner a year ago, promising that he could and would do a better job.  He didn't.  But it's ok, he's a hard worker, he shouldn't have to.  I didn't need to be convinced, he did.
  • We now have a real guest room.
  • I ran in the Brooklyn Half Marathon, which was my first 1/2.  I got my first running medal and came really damned close to my goal of 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • I joined New York Road Runners and have guaranteed entry to the 2014 New York City Marathon.  I earned my spot by running in 9 qualifying NYRR events and volunteering at the New York City Half Marathon (which earned me a guaranteed space in next year's half as well).
  • I raised $1315 for the National Kidney Foundation and ran the Healthy Kidney 10k in Central Park on May 11th, 2013.  My run was dedicated to my brother who was a double transplant recipient (kidney AND a pancreas!) last winter after having kidney failure.

By 40 I will have run a marathon and be married!  I've been making a list in my head of some other things that I would like to accomplish - personally, professionally, and fitness-oriented.  I am going to list my goals on this blog and document my trials and tribulations.

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